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Email Groups

1) SHUL CLOUD EMAIL:  For Messages from the Shul office to Members.

The first list is used through our ShulCloud program. When members submit their Applications to Torah Ohr, their email addresses are entered onto the ShulCloud file.  Members will then receive mail from the Shul office and from the Rabbi.  If your email address changes, you would need to notify the office so that we can update listings appropriately. You will AUTOMATICALLY be signed up when you become a member.

If you would like to OPT-OUT of any of the types of emails click unsubscribe at the bottom of any email that comes from the shul. You will see the following selections that you may unsubscribe to:


Mailing List


Action Alerts

Actions Alerts from AIPAC, Kashrut Alerts, etc.


Condolence Notes, Holiday Information, etc.


Our Weekly Bulletin


(not currently used)

Daily Email

A Daily Email containing programs and classes for THAT day only. Sent when applicable.

Dedication Notifications

You will be sent an email if someone dedicates something in your honor.

Event Seating

This email list is used to send you your seat assignments for High Holiday seats.


This email list is used to send you event registration information.


This email list is used to send you information after you complete a form.

Fundraising Goals

(not currently used)

Honor Scheduling

(not currently used)


(not currently used)

Men's Club

Emails about Men's Club programming


(not currently used)


Emails about Sisterhood programming

Sunday Email

A weekly email with upcoming classes and programs


If you are not a member but would like to receive emails from us, please contact the  office.




This group is a community email group that can be used to advertise different things such as:

    a.   Apartments for rent (no prices in the email)

    b.   Items for sale (no prices in the email)

    c.   Theater tickets for sale or purchase

    d.   Items needed or wanted for loan

    e.   Etc.


>> To sign up for the TOCVWEST email list, go to the group site at  and follow the instructions to join.


>> To post a message to TOCVWEST after signing up please remember to

  1.  Include a subject that states what the message is about.

  2.  Include your name.

  3.  Include a telephone number where you can be reached.


If you would like to join the email list above you must follow the instructions to do it yourself. You are not automatically subscribed when you join the shul.

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785