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We welcome all women to become members of our Sisterhood. 

We offer many enjoyable activities:

Book reviews, women's Rosh Chodesh davening, delicious meals in the succah, celebrating Thanksgiving, Chanukah, card parties, boutiques, activities for children during Yeshivah week, Purim mishloach manot and seudah, shavuot luncheon, July 4th and Labor Day BBQs, an annual bus trip, and many other exciting events.



Dear Sisterhood Members and Life Members,


On January 8th, we will be having our Installation and Sock Hop. Reservations are due by January 1st. This is a huge event for Sisterhood members only.

Our year for collection of dues has changed. The year is now January 1st through December 31st. If you have already submitted your check for dues, you are covered for the 2025 year. Remember, you must be a member of Congregation Torah Ohr in order to join sisterhood.

This year admission to the event has changed. We are now charging $5 for a reservation because food must be ordered. This includes ALL MEMBERS, including Life Members. If you are an event sponsor this is included in  your reservation.

Remember, dues, $5 reservation and sponsorship must be made by January 1st. THERE WILL BE NO MONEY COLLECTED AT THE DOOR OF THE EVENT. Please don’t miss out on what will be an enjoyable time.


Phyllis Solomon and Helen Baker

VP Membership


Sisterhood Congregation Torah Ohr Dues

 Name_________________________ Phone #_________

Amount Enclosed ___________


Please deposit in the Sisterhood box outside the shul office. Dues must be paid before the event. Please register for the Installation and Sock Hop by January 1st. (this is a separate flyer - click the image below to open)

Scroll down to watch videos of past guest lectures.

Cooking with Lynn - It's 5 o'clock Somewhere

Mrs. Leah Herzog - Counting The Omer - A Means To An End

Mrs. Racheli Miller - Accessing the Four Spiritual Strengths of the Jewish Woman through Candle Lighting

The Wonders and Versatility of Olive Oil with Lynn Friedman

Sisterhood Purim Banquet 2018




Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785